Sunrise in Motovun - a New World
Welcome to the greatest moment in history.
Feels great, doesn’t it?
What day is it again?
Did I shower yet this week?
These pajama bottoms really clash with the shirt I put on for that “meeting”.
Do I get points for pants?
Video hugs are not hugs.
Is bankruptcy hard?
Please keep your distance I miss you.
Oh shit, there are people coming this way.
Is everything going to end?
Or worse, will it continue on as it was?
There’s a phenomenon of nature called Pyriscence - in which fire serves to trigger a wide spread growth response and a massive shift toward a healthy ecosystem.
We are an ecosystem and Covid is our fire.
This is the greatest moment in history because the fire of transformation has arrived and all we need to do to change everything about our lives, our relationships, our careers, the health of the planet and each other is make a choice.
This is what I call an inflection point, a moment of indescribable potential and the most powerful time to make choices and take action.
Will we move forward or back? Spoiler alert* - you can’t go back, but you can deny the call to move forward and simply stop, like a parking block on a highway.
All it takes is a choice, and then another and another and action each time there is a choice. The choice is the direction, and the action is the participation in this massive ecosystem course correction we call life on Earth right now.
Vote. People in the US say vote with your dollars. True, that’s a powerful vote, but so is voting with your citizenship, your words, the food you eat, the thoughts and emotions you choose (yes, you can choose those -all of them). The company you keep, the career you choose and the kindness you display (or not), to everyone around and even yourself. Especially yourself.
Choose. What kind of a world do you want to live in? Every thought, word, and deed contributes to either the one you want or the one you don’t want, right now and all day every day.
We are an ecosystem. Every choice we make individually effects the whole. Actions effect it even more.
The choice to participate in creating a better world is that personal catalyst where our own seed pops open, stimulated by the raging fire. A New World, one with more art and less pain, greater health and less destruction, more justice and less fear, more love and less illusion.
In the deep story of human history, challenges are initiatory experiences, will you step over the line and accept the journey of your own beauty and power? One step, that’s all it takes. The dragon will help you from there.
We are greater than we both hope and fear.
How can I, in small town Croatia, contribute to the halting of destruction and loving restoration of the Amazon basin to minimize the chaotic effects of climate change on food production?
Be kind. Thats a good start.
Hate is the illusion of separation and it propagates in waves throughout people, places, systems and media. It effects people’s ideas and relationships and manifests as the destruction of life.
Being kind heals that. The kindness and the sense of connection and understanding of interdependence is what then propagates through the world and our children and our socio-economic ecosystems.
We at NEI have devoted ourselves to transforming lives through creativity because it’s a universal way of accessing the truth of our own beauty, grace and power. It’s a direct path to awakening who you are and your capacity to create the world of your choosing.
Everyone can be creative and exploring that is a catalyst for everyone equally. It’s also where we personally come from and how we know to help others. It’s how we discovered our own value and capacity to be kind.
You may have a different path, medicine or politics or solo rock climbing or space exploration or cooking. Use what works, my invitation here is to make the choice to sprout. To participate in creating the new most beautiful world of our heart’s desire. Because you can and you matter.
In this beautiful moment, the fire of Covid is offering us an opportunity, will you sprout?
This totally needs a baby Yoda meme.