The Call

Many of us live life feeling like we have something inside of great worth that needs to come out. It’s not a question, it’s a deep knowingness. We’re just waiting for the right time, the right convergence of events, alignment of stars, or space and resources in life to do so. Maybe we’re waiting to develop the skills and network connections that we think are required for this brilliance to emerge.

In short, we’re waiting for a sign. That moment of unquestioning rightness that says to step forward, the way is clear. Our brilliant creation will be successful.

If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it.

Now is the time, the universe is calling you.

I won’t bother with the usual line of there are no guarantees in life whatever whatever.

Instead I’ll say, look around you. Better yet, look inside. Feel the tension? The struggle? Climate change, systemic racism, injustice, global pandemic, everyone and everything is being launched into space to somehow create a more beautiful and just and healthy society while in free fall together. How could any authentic effort not be a meaningful contribution?

Every true creation of the heart is a significant thread in a beautiful new tapestry the universe is weaving called life.

There’s an old saying, when you reach that chasm in life, jump. It’s not as wide as you think.

News flash! We all already jumped (or maybe got jumped), time to get busy. Your gifts are needed. Right now. What small thing can you do today to bring your beauty into form?

Engage life with all you have and all you are even if you think you don’t know how or might not be enough. Truth is powerful, creating is healing, personal offerings can transform whole societies.

Creator, artist, animator, baker, parent, janitor, mechanic, executive, incarcerated, nurse, influencer, accountant, homeless, politician. If the first line of this piece got your attention you’re actually a healer and the world needs you to show up with all you are and all you have for the good of all of life.

The best part is, everything is alive so it’s an easy target to hit. Everything. Humans, animals, buildings, rivers, communities, art projects, businesses, governments, the planet.

If something does not support life, it supports death. Remember the saying - if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem? Never more true than right now. This is personal for every one of us. If your profit margins depend on the problem remaining, you’re in the way, and profiting by that is a crime against all of life.

I invite you to become an active part of a global solution at a time when all hands are needed on deck. Even more, I’m calling you out. Please don’t hide. Your voice and your heart and your inspiration is needed to help heal an ailing planet and help life thrive.

Whatever your interest, whatever your passion, it’s important. Life on this planet needs love on a global scale. Right now.

Life supports that which supports it. That one step will put into motion a waterfall of support from the universe and from us.

Alysia and I both grew up in the theater world and we understand the power of the GO button. We got to a certain point in this journey of creating NEI and relocating to Croatia and we looked at each other in disbelief. Are we really doing this? It’s a one way ticket.

We created a little ritual for ourselves that made sense to us. We drew a GO button on a post-it, stuck it to the business plan, looked at leach other, and we both smacked the GO button. One way ticket baby.

That same GO button is still in use for every significant undertaking, it’s on the wall of our office right now.

Here we are in Motovun, it’s not like we planned, but its working and we are being transformed but the experience and our love and somehow we’re also managing to help a few others along the way.

Bring your knitting, bring your new models of prime factorization for crypto, bring your new co-op consulting group model and your watercolor landscapes and your fintech investments and your garden and your #vanlife pics and your video game architecture and your cat furniture. Whatever brings you life is medicine for all of life and we all need it right ‘effin now.

Very simply, live your truth, do your thing. Create. Share. Hit the GO button. Drop us a line and tell us about it, witnessing is powerful.

Thank you.


Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ - All are Related