Lawrence Kampf February 9, 2021 The Clarity Catalyst Lawrence Kampf February 9, 2021 What do I Want?This is the single most triggering and catalyzing thought I have when starting a project, such as this article.
Lawrence Kampf January 11, 2021 2020 in the Mirror Lawrence Kampf January 11, 2021 Lawrence’s annual sensemaking adventure, now on Medium.
Lawrence Kampf September 1, 2020 September News and Situation Lawrence Kampf September 1, 2020 The theme for this September is personal growth in shifting sands. As we head into the last days of Summer and shift towards Fall, the season of change, it’s a perfect time to open our eyes and take responsibility for our lives and our choices.
Lawrence Kampf September 1, 2020 Love and Fear Lawrence Kampf September 1, 2020 I was recently reminded of a post I wrote some years ago and thought it thought it might be timely.There are two states of existence. Love and Illusion.